次回のオンラインストアは2025 . 2. 17 (Mon) 21 : 00 - 2 . 24 (Mon) 23 : 00にて期間限定オープンとなります。

yorioshow online store will temporary open from 21:00 JST (Mon) 17 Feb. - 23:00 JST (MOn) 24 Feb. 2025.

SS25 Exhibition < Cuirism 1 “Sense of touch” >

SS25 Exhibition < Cuirism 1 “Sense of touch” >

この度yorioshowでは、ジャンルの枠組みを超越し色濃い独自性を放つ古書店 【二手舎 東京】【二手舎 京都】にて、SS25コレクション < Cuirism 1 “Sense of touch” > 新作展示会を開催いたします。

1年半ぶりの新作コレクションとなる本展では、ブランドが掲げる美学 "Chaotic Elegance” を形成するための新たな表現体系として < Cuirism / キュイズム > をローンチ。
Cuirism 1では、【Sense of touch / 皮膚感覚】をメインテーマに捉え、< 時・空間・物質・意識 > の複合的な関係性について、独自の仮説と考察を用いてプロダクトへ発展させる実験を試みます。


ブランドの美学と共鳴する新たなコラボレーターとして、ロンドン・パリ・ニューヨークとマルチ拠点に活動するドイツ出身フォトグラファー、 <LARA ANGELIL> が撮影を担当。


< Cuirism / キュイズム >
Cuir (Leather) + ism (Philosophy)
物質(レザープロダクト)と空間との間に生じる相互作用とその影響のもと偶発的に現れる美意識及び感情の変化を研究対象として、多角的な観察と考察手段を用いて独自の美学“Chaotic Elegance” を探究する実験プロジェクト。


〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂7丁目6-41 赤坂七番館503


【October 24 Thu】
13:00-17:00 [*Appointment]
17:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 25 Fri】
13:00-17:00 [*Appointment]
⁡17:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 26 Sat】
13:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 27 Sun】
13:00-19:00 Free entrance

*For appointment:



〒602-0019 京都府京都市上京区下木下町144-4 


2024.11/2, 11/3, 11/9, 11/10, 11/16, 11/17, 11/20, 11/23, 11/24

営業時間:13:00 - 17:00



We are pleased to announce the new exhibition of the SS25 collection, Cuirism 1 “Sense of Touch”, by the leather product brand < yorioshow > at NITESHA TOKYO and NITESHA KYOTO.

This will be the brand’s first new collection in a year and a half. In this exhibition, the brand is going to launch < Cuirism >, a new collection line and expression system for forming its aesthetic “Chaotic Elegance.” Cuirism 1, with“Sense of Touch” as the main thema, the exhibition will explore the complex relationships between time, space, objects , and consciousness, using the brand’s unique hypotheses and insights to develop its products.

For the first time, the collection also integrates metal parts, aiming to capture the duality of surface and inner aspects found in the culture of jewelry accessories, and challenge the brand to acquire new design methodologies.

As part of this exploration, the brand conducted a photo shoot for the collection’s visual look in London, marking its first overseas endeavor. The shoot was led by < LARA ANGELIL >, a Germany-born photographer based in London, Paris, and New York. LARA’s abstract expressions, which combine a delicate and dynamic perspective with emotional depth, add a sense of space and moisture to the products.

Through this exhibition, yorioshow aims to explore the deeper essence of things by reconstructing a space for new interpretations and challenging existing frameworks through experimental installations that crossover the different temporal and spatial environments of NITESHA TOKYO and NITESHA KYOTO.

< Cuirism >
Cuir (Leather) + Ism⁡ (Philosophy)
“Cuirism” is the product collections that aims to serve as valuable cultural leather archives for future. It is an experimental project that explores a unique aesthetic called "Chaotic Elegance" through multifaceted observation and consideration. The project focuses on the spontaneous emergence of aesthetic sensibilities and emotional changes, arising from the interaction between objects (leather products) and space.



Room 503, AkasakaNanabankan, 7-6-41 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 JAPAN


【October 24 Thu】
13:00-17:00 [*Appointment]
17:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 25 Fri】
13:00-17:00 [*Appointment]
⁡17:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 26 Sat】
13:00-19:00 Free entrance

【October 27 Sun】
13:00-19:00 Free entrance

*For appointment:



144-4 Shimokinoshitacho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-0019

Business Hours: 13:00 - 17:00
Open Days:
2024. 11/2, 11/3, 11/9, 11/10, 11/16, 11/17, 11/20, 11/23, 11/24
Free Admission, No Reservation Required