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次回のオンラインストアは2024 . 11 . 18 (Mon) 21 : 00 - 11 . 28 (Thu) 23 : 00にて期間限定オープンとなります。

yorioshow online store will temporary open from 21:00 JST (Mon) 18 NOV. - 23:00 JST (Thu) 28 NOV. 2024.

SS/AW BLUE FIELD “LIKE ON CANVAS” Photographed by Tomohiro Takeshita

"The physical and sensory feelings and memories that blue evokes.
Harmony with the formula of beauty that is precisely calculated inside the free-spirited canvas (bag).
When the colors, three-dimensional objects, and the scene were superimposed on one another, the place reflected in front of my eyes seemed to take on the organicity of a painting, as if it were on a canvas. ”



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